Welcome to Ambrosia Technology, LLC., manufactures of SEA-CROP® ocean mineral concentrate.
SEA-CROP® is the most innovative organic agricultural amendment in over a generation. It has been proven effective on a global scale providing farmers with a strategic tool to:

Improve yield
Improve nutrient density, flavor & keeping qualities
Improve nutrient uptake and utilization
Increase photosynthesis
Increase Brix
Improve soil tilth
Increase microbiol and Mychorrhizal populations
Reduce transplant stress
Increase metabolic efficiency
Increase anti-oxidants
Improve environmental tolerance to drought, pest pressure, etc.
Technology, LLC
Ocean Mineral Concentrate

What is SEA-CROP®
Ocean water contains over 90 naturally occurring elements. SEA-CROP® is carefully collected and processed in a manner that preserves the natural organic matter of the seawater.
SEA-CROP® is composed of organic matter and minerals derived from pristine seawater. Unlike other sea minerals, SEA-CROP® has never been dried or subjected to heat. Drying or heating can destroy organic compounds. SEA-CROP® is an easy to use solution of minerals in ionic liquid form.
SEA-CROP® is intended to be used as part of a fertility plan. The goal is to produce healthy crops that are naturally disease and pest resistant because of good nitrogen utilization and complete protein syntheses.
The Book
Seawater Concentrate for Abundant Agriculture was written by the inventor of SEA-CROP®, Arthur Zeigler. It is a highly recommended read for anyone seriously interested in the details of using seawater minerals for crop production.
With data from many trials from around the world, this book provides the proof farmers need to take the next step in choosing SEA-CROP® for their crops and animals.

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