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  • Is SEA-CROP affordable and can I buy SEA-CROP in a variety of quantities?
    Yes, SEA-CROP is affordable. House plants cost just pennies to treat once a year. Farm crop application costs are much less than many pesticide or herbicide application costs and SEA-CROP helps the crop withstand the stress of these applications. SEA-CROP markets the product in several sizes from small containers for the homeowner/gardener to bulk deliveries for the large corporate farms.
  • Do I need to apply SEA-CROP often?
    No, one application per year for soil applications is all that is needed for annual plants although a split application or multiple applications may give enhanced results for some crops. Also, some plants when stressed can benefit from an additional application. Alfalfa after cutting is a good example. Foliar use requires multiple applications for maximum results.
  • Where can I get more information about Sea-Crop?
    Read the Book "Seawater Concentrate for Abundant Agriculture". Buy it here!
  • Does SEA-CROP stimulate the plant to produce more growth?
    SEA-CROP stimulates the soil environment so the plant will grow healthier and reach its genetic potential, not just provide extra growth.
  • Would SEA-CROP still improve yield if I use leading biological products?
    Yes! The microbes in the soil are reduced by tillage and pesticide applications. Biological products are useful and are applied to increase micro-organism populations that work to provide a healthier soil environment in which the plant can grow. SEA-CROP can increase the effect of biological products by stimulating the growth of soil organisms. Remember, SEA-CROP acts as a catalytic trigger in the soil environment by stimulating the growth of soil organisms needed for the plant to be healthy and maximize its fruit or seed bearing potential.
  • Can SEA-CROP be used for all plants?
    Yes, SEA-CROP's formula is the same for all plants but application rates vary. Please follow recommended rates closely.
  • Is SEA-CROP a fertilizer?
    No, SEA-CROP is not a fertilizer, but does have a lot of the nutritive elements that are in many commercial fertilizers. SEA-CROP is a natural liquid soil amendment that works in all plant applications. It is the active organic substances it contains working together with all those trace elements that make it so effective.
  • Is SEA-CROP approved for use in organic farming?
    Yes, SEA-CROP has been approved by the Washington State Department of Agriculture and the California Department of Agriculture as being in compliance with the United States Department of Agriculture's National Organic Program and is approved for use in certified organic operations. SEA-CROP has also been approved by Oregon Tilth for use in certified organic farming.
  • What is SEA-CROP?
    SEA-CROP is a natural source balanced formula from ocean water that has all the natural elements known to man. It develops healthy and energetic plants.
  • Will I damage my plants if I use too much?
    It would take an application error in excess of 100 % to experience a detrimental affect to your plants.
  • How do I use Sea-Crop?
    Dilution: The product must be diluted before application. Concentration: Use at a concentration of 1% to 2% strength. One gallon of SEA-CROP® added to 49 gallons of water equals a 2% solution. Five tablespoons of SEA-CROP® (two and a half ounces) per gallon of water equals a 2% solution. Soil Drench: Diluted SEA-CROP® can be used as a soil drench. Use a minimum of 3 applications per season applied at 3 week intervals starting at planting, transplanting or after emergence. A good alternative is to do one soil application followed by two foliar applications after emergence. Foliar Spray: Diluted SEA-CROP® can be used as a foliar spray. A minimum of 3 applications per season applied at 3 week intervals are recommended.
  • Can Sea-Crop be used for animals?
    Yes, SEA-CROP has been approved as meeting the FDA requirements for use as a mineral supplement in animal nutrition. The recommended rate is .04 milliliters per kilogram of body weight per day added to the drinking water.
  • Do I need to use a sticker for foliar application?
    No. However, molasses may be used if desired.
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